Medical Spa Insider: The Most Overlooked Must-Haves in Medical Spas According to Louis Frisina and Tim Sawyer

Posted By Aly Boeckh, Thursday, March 29, 2018

Medical aesthetics experts Louis Frisina and Tim Sawyer, President of Crystal Clear Digital Marketing speak on a wide range of topics including the main blind spots of people entering the medical spa industry, their biggest driving fears at the beginnings of their careers, and much more!

Louis Frisina is a medical aesthetic luminary who is, among other things, credited with introducing Restylane to the American market. He now runs a consulting firm and a hedge fund, both targeting this booming industry.

Tim Sawyer is Founder and President Crystal Clear Digital Marketing, one of the premier digital marketing firms in the medical aesthetic space.

Both will be presenting at the upcoming Med Spa Boot Camp in Los Angeles, CA April 7-8. Register here!

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