Medical Spa Forms, Consents and Standard Operating Procedures
View AmSpa's collection of consent and intake forms, policies and procedure templates.
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After purchase, all downloadable documents can be re-downloaded from your user profile page.

Medical Spa Form Templates
Created and reviewed by ByrdAdatto attorneys, these forms help provide security for your practice and patients, offer training information for your employees, and include operations information that will help your medical aesthetic practice run safely, day in and day out.
Customize these forms for your brand and your processes.

The Complete Package
Find all the forms you need to run a safe, compliant medical spa. Includes:
- 24 Treatment Standard Operating Procedure Templates
- 19 Informed Consent Forms
- 16 Policies
- 11 Intake Forms
- 11 OSHA Forms
- 3 Safety and Cleaning Plans
Non-members: $4,995
Basic Members: $3,999
Plus Members: $2,495
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Standard Operating Procedure Templates
This package contains protocol templates for 24 of the most popular medical aesthetic treatments, including body contouring, injectables, hormone replacement therapy, vaginal rejuvenation and many more.
Non-members: $2,995
Basic Members: $2,395
Plus Members: $1,495
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The 16 policies included in this package will help your medical operate safely and legally by providing guidelines for numerous topics, including patient privacy, employee hygiene, laser operation, medication handling and storage, and many more.
Non-members: $1,495
Basic Members: $1,195
Plus Members: $745
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Informed Consents
These 19 consent forms provide your patients with all the information they need to make informed decisions about the treatments your medical spa provides.
Non-members: $595
Basic Members: $475
Plus Members: Free!
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Intake Forms
This package include 11 intake forms such as consents to treatment, photography and telemedicine (including a COVID-19-related variant), as well as release and disclosure forms, contact forms, privacy notices, and much more.
Non-members: $595
Basic Members: $475
Plus Members: Free!
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OSHA Forms
Now more than ever before, Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) compliance is incredibly important for medical spas and medical aesthetic practices.
Non-members: $1,495
Basic Members: $1,195
Plus Members: $745
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Keep your medical aesthetic practice safe and secure by adhering to the guidelines set forth in these 3 safety and cleaning plans.
Non-members: $395
Basic Members: $315
Plus Members: $195
Buy Now!Med Spa Business Building Documents

Complete Medical Spa Business Building Self Study Program
Purchase this digital product and receive a download link from Durocher Enterprises within 1-3 business days.
The program includes 24 hours of recorded training time, and $5,000 worth of educational material. Products included are:
- Med Spa Structure
- Med Spa Compensation
- Secrets of Ka-Ching
- Success Circle
- Coach Approach
- How to Hire a Champion Team
- Buzz in a Box
- M2 Marketing
- Frontline Service Mastery
- Med Spa Business Plan
Price: $4,000
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Business Plan Template
Purchase this digital product and receive a download link from Durocher Enterprises within 1-3 business days.
This medical spa business plan from Durocher Enterprises is a comprehensive yet easy to follow program including spreadsheet templates, step-by-step instructions and example verbiage for a written plan.
Complete financial spreadsheets including profit and loss, cash flow, business ratios and balance sheets all linked together for easy to use financial projections give savvy spa owners a well-mapped road to success.
Price: $1,499

Business Structure and HR Structure
Purchase this digital product and receive a download link from Durocher Enterprises within 1-3 business days.
The product contains 81 Microsoft Word and other files* that you customize to personally suit your business. Now there is no reason to have gray areas. Set clear expectations and protocols that everyone can follow. Best of all, you do not have to spend countless hours starting this process from scratch. The knowledge you learn will powerfully transform your company and you. Prosperity and profitability for your business is at your fingertips.
Price: $1,499
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Med Spa Compensation Plan
Purchase this digital product and receive a download link from Durocher Enterprises within 1-3 business days.
In these materials is the concept of how to pay, the percentages where the productivity goals should be, (you can modify your hourly rate to your market place, I recommend an hourly rate for when they are providing service and a lower one when they are not performing services), and the excel spreadsheet where you can take the productivity numbers from your software program and put them into the sheet and it will automatically calculate their pay.
Example compensation plans for PAs, RNs, Medical Estheticians, Massage and Skin Therapists are included.
Price: $400
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Frontline Service Mastery
Purchase this digital product and receive a download link from Durocher Enterprises within 1-3 business days.
This dynamic education includes an interactive Training Manual with 55 minutes of audio programming, a Facilitator’s Guide, and a Reception Desk Policies and a Procedures Manual.
Highlights include:
- 10 Powerful Tools to Build on a First Impression
- 10 Key Telephone Skills to Use on Every Call
- Power Booking Client Appointments to Maximize Time
- How to Handle Challenging Clients and Situations
- Dialogues for Pre-Booking, Recommending Retail, and Client Referral That Work Every Time
Price: $179

Hiring a Championship Team
Purchase this digital product and receive a download link from Durocher Enterprises within 1-3 business days.
Hire hard and manage easy! This Durocher Enterprises product provides you with the essential tools to build and maximize your team's potential. You will learn how to set clear expectations right from the start. This program is a must for any medical spa or aesthetic practice that wants a high integrity factor and to take their business to the next level. This dynamic education includes a downloadable (Word) document.
- Learn To Identify & Locate Your Ideal Team Members
- Master The Interview Process in 3 Steps
- Discover The Essential Structures Needed To Ensure Consistent Performance
- Learn How To Effectively Set Financial Goals With Your Team And Coach Them To Success
- Find Out What Motivational Techniques Really Produce Results
Price: $99
Disclaimer: These forms and consents must be used in conjunction with applicable federal and state rules as they relate to the standard of care required to provide such medical and cosmetic treatment. Nothing in these documents or treatment protocols should be interpreted to supersede applicable federal or state rules. These documents are meant for guidance and information only – use of the forms should be in conjunction with advice from local legal counsel based upon your individual circumstances. AmSpa assumes no liability from any use of these forms. Transfer or sale of these forms is strictly prohibited.