7 Secrets of Happy High-Level Execs
Posted By American Med Spa Association, Tuesday, November 21, 2017
If you're trying to do everything for everyone, you're likely not in the best place for you. Finding a specialized area on which you can focus can make you more successful—and satisfied.
"For me, it wasn't about being a corporate healthcare lawyer, it was becoming a corporate healthcare lawyer for aesthetic practices," says Alex Thiersch, J.D., founder of the American Med Spa Association, which champions the medical spa industry.
"Although there are not as many clients in that specialized area, that is when you become known for that specific niche and get recommendations and build your reputation."
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"For me, it wasn't about being a corporate healthcare lawyer, it was becoming a corporate healthcare lawyer for aesthetic practices," says Alex Thiersch, J.D., founder of the American Med Spa Association, which champions the medical spa industry.
"Although there are not as many clients in that specialized area, that is when you become known for that specific niche and get recommendations and build your reputation."
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