ASAPS: Americans Spent More Than $12 Billion in 2014 on Surgical and Nonsurgical Procedures
Posted By American Med Spa Association, Thursday, March 12, 2015
The American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS) released its complete 18th annual multi-specialty statistical data today showing an aesthetic plastic surgery spend consistent with the figures for 2013, with Americans spending more than 12 billion dollars on surgical and nonsurgical procedures for the second year in a row. With more than 10 million cosmetic procedures performed in 2014, those that showed the largest growth in volume on a year-over-year basis included buttock augmentation (up 86%), labiaplasty (up 49%), and nonsurgical fat reduction (up 42%). Additionally, more men are turning to aestheticcosmetic procedures, with dramatic increases seen in both surgical and nonsurgical options over the past 5 years and a 43% increase overall.
The top five surgical procedures for both men and women combined in 2014 were:
• Liposuction (342,494 procedures)
• Breast Augmentation (286,694 procedures)
• Eyelid Surgery (165,714 procedures)
• Tummy Tuck (164,021 procedures)
• Nose Surgery (145,909 procedures)
The top five nonsurgical procedures for both men and women combined in 2014 were:
• Botulinum Toxin (3,588,218 procedures)
• Hyaluronic Acid (1,696,621 procedures)
• Hair Removal (828,480 procedures)
• Chemical Peel (484,053 procedures)
• Microdermabrasion (417,034 procedures)
Some of the more popular procedures, including a few in the top five lists above, did see decreases in 2014 including breast augmentation (down 8.5%), ear surgery (down 12.3%), injectables, (down 6.5%) and Photorejuvenation, (down 18.9%). “Despite the decreases in specific procedural areas however, one thing is abundantly clear: The number of men flocking to plastic surgeons for both surgical and nonsurgical procedures continues to increase dramatically and are up 43% this year alone,” states Michael Edwards, MD, President of theAmerican Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery.
Over the past 5 years, (since 2010), there have been significant increases in the following procedures for men:
Blepharoplasty (up 34%)
Male Breast Reduction (up 33%)
Facelift (up 44%)
Botulinum Toxin (up 84%)
Hyaluronic Acid (up 94%)
Nonsurgical skin tightening (up 37%)
Intense Pulsed Light (up 44%)
Since ASAPS began collecting statistical data in 1997, there has been a 273% increase in the number of procedures performed on men. “This is not a trend we expect to see wane anytime soon. Facing a challenging and sometimes ageist job market, men, like women, are starting to consider their options to maintain a youthful appearance that exudes exuberance and energy and the full spectrum of care offered by board-certified plastic surgeons caters to their individual needs,” explains James Grotting, MD, President-Elect of ASAPS.
To obtain a full copy of the report, please visit the media section of The Society’s website:
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The American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS), is recognized as the world’s leading organization devoted entirely to aesthetic plastic surgery and cosmetic medicine of the face and body. ASAPS is comprised of over 2,600 Plastic Surgeons; Active Members are certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery (USA) or by the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada and have extensive training in the complete spectrum of surgical and non-surgical aesthetic procedures. International Active Members are certified by equivalent boards of their respective countries. All members worldwide adhere to a strict Code of Ethics and must meet stringent membership requirements.
About the ASAPS Cosmetic Surgery National Data Bank
ASAPS, working with an independent research firm, compiled the 18-year national data for procedures performed 1997-2014. A paper-based questionnaire was mailed to 23,000 board-certified physicians. An online version of the questionnaire was also available. A total of 901 physicians returned questionnaires, of which 115 were retired or otherwise inactive during 2014.
Final figures have been projected to reflect nationwide statistics. Though the confidence intervals change by procedure, depending on the grouping’s sample size and the response variance, the overall survey portion of this research has a standard error of +/- 3.45% at a 95% level of confidence.
The top five surgical procedures for both men and women combined in 2014 were:
• Liposuction (342,494 procedures)
• Breast Augmentation (286,694 procedures)
• Eyelid Surgery (165,714 procedures)
• Tummy Tuck (164,021 procedures)
• Nose Surgery (145,909 procedures)
The top five nonsurgical procedures for both men and women combined in 2014 were:
• Botulinum Toxin (3,588,218 procedures)
• Hyaluronic Acid (1,696,621 procedures)
• Hair Removal (828,480 procedures)
• Chemical Peel (484,053 procedures)
• Microdermabrasion (417,034 procedures)
Some of the more popular procedures, including a few in the top five lists above, did see decreases in 2014 including breast augmentation (down 8.5%), ear surgery (down 12.3%), injectables, (down 6.5%) and Photorejuvenation, (down 18.9%). “Despite the decreases in specific procedural areas however, one thing is abundantly clear: The number of men flocking to plastic surgeons for both surgical and nonsurgical procedures continues to increase dramatically and are up 43% this year alone,” states Michael Edwards, MD, President of theAmerican Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery.
Over the past 5 years, (since 2010), there have been significant increases in the following procedures for men:
Blepharoplasty (up 34%)
Male Breast Reduction (up 33%)
Facelift (up 44%)
Botulinum Toxin (up 84%)
Hyaluronic Acid (up 94%)
Nonsurgical skin tightening (up 37%)
Intense Pulsed Light (up 44%)
Since ASAPS began collecting statistical data in 1997, there has been a 273% increase in the number of procedures performed on men. “This is not a trend we expect to see wane anytime soon. Facing a challenging and sometimes ageist job market, men, like women, are starting to consider their options to maintain a youthful appearance that exudes exuberance and energy and the full spectrum of care offered by board-certified plastic surgeons caters to their individual needs,” explains James Grotting, MD, President-Elect of ASAPS.
To obtain a full copy of the report, please visit the media section of The Society’s website:
# # #
The American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS), is recognized as the world’s leading organization devoted entirely to aesthetic plastic surgery and cosmetic medicine of the face and body. ASAPS is comprised of over 2,600 Plastic Surgeons; Active Members are certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery (USA) or by the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada and have extensive training in the complete spectrum of surgical and non-surgical aesthetic procedures. International Active Members are certified by equivalent boards of their respective countries. All members worldwide adhere to a strict Code of Ethics and must meet stringent membership requirements.
About the ASAPS Cosmetic Surgery National Data Bank
ASAPS, working with an independent research firm, compiled the 18-year national data for procedures performed 1997-2014. A paper-based questionnaire was mailed to 23,000 board-certified physicians. An online version of the questionnaire was also available. A total of 901 physicians returned questionnaires, of which 115 were retired or otherwise inactive during 2014.
Final figures have been projected to reflect nationwide statistics. Though the confidence intervals change by procedure, depending on the grouping’s sample size and the response variance, the overall survey portion of this research has a standard error of +/- 3.45% at a 95% level of confidence.