Avoid Unnatural Lip Enhancement Results With This Data
Posted By American Med Spa Association, Monday, April 10, 2017
Many a Real Housewife from Bravo’s hit reality TV franchise have been chastised for trout pout – or an overfilled, unnatural looking pucker.
And now a new study, published by JAMA Facial Plastic Surgery by Sang W. Kim, M.D., of the Natural Face Clinics in Syracuse, N.Y., and coauthors, attempts to provide data on balanced augmentation.
The goal of this study was to provide some quantitative measurements to help guide clinicians in counseling their patients who are seeking lip augmentation. The study used incrementally digitally altered photographs of a female model’s lips and included 98 responses to an internet-based survey.
Each area of the lips had a unique quantitative measurement at which the observers perceived the lips as being unnatural. “Enhancement of the upper lip alone had a narrower margin for artificial appearance (dTA50, 0.9 mm) compared with enhancement of both the upper and lower lips (dTA50, 1.5 mm),” the researchers write. Any alteration to the Cupid’s bow resulted in the narrowest margin for artificial appearance (dTA50, 0.3 mm), they note.
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And now a new study, published by JAMA Facial Plastic Surgery by Sang W. Kim, M.D., of the Natural Face Clinics in Syracuse, N.Y., and coauthors, attempts to provide data on balanced augmentation.
The goal of this study was to provide some quantitative measurements to help guide clinicians in counseling their patients who are seeking lip augmentation. The study used incrementally digitally altered photographs of a female model’s lips and included 98 responses to an internet-based survey.
Each area of the lips had a unique quantitative measurement at which the observers perceived the lips as being unnatural. “Enhancement of the upper lip alone had a narrower margin for artificial appearance (dTA50, 0.9 mm) compared with enhancement of both the upper and lower lips (dTA50, 1.5 mm),” the researchers write. Any alteration to the Cupid’s bow resulted in the narrowest margin for artificial appearance (dTA50, 0.3 mm), they note.
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