Body Painting Helps Teach Plastic Surgeons the Art of Botox Injection
Posted By American Med Spa Association, Wednesday, August 23, 2017

The illustrated article by Ricardo Frota Boggio, MD, PhD, of Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil, presents and describes this approach to studying the anatomy and function of the facial muscles.
Dr. Boggio said, "This innovative method, in a playful and highly didactic manner, presents great potential as a teaching tool in the application of botulinum toxin A."
Art Project Helps Show Facial Muscles Cause Wrinkles
Botulinum toxin A is an effective treatment for facial lines and wrinkles; it works by temporarily inactivating the contributing underlying muscles. In Dr. Boggio's view, lack of understanding of the applied anatomy of the facial muscles and how they generate hyperkinetic wrinkles is a major shortcoming of current approaches to teaching botulin toxin injection.
The artful anatomy lesson employed a 37-year-old female model with typical hyperkinetic facial wrinkles, such as forehead lines, crow's feet around the eyes and lines around the mouth. Wrinkles in these and other areas are called by repetitive action of the facial muscles.
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