DermWireTV: Two Launches from Cutera, AmSpa Projections
Posted By American Med Spa Association, Tuesday, January 16, 2018
Cutera introduces two new devices to its laser and energy-based device offerings: Juliet laser represents Cutera’s first entry into the women’s health segment of the aesthetics market; Secret RF is a new fractional radio frequency microneedling device that effectively remodels collagen, improves mild wrinkles, and diminishes scars. MedSpa revenues are growing at a double-digit pace since 2010, and younger generations seem to be driving the boom, a new American Med Spa Association (AmSpa) study shows. Researchers are developing an antibiotic patch that can bypass the gut bacteria and extend the useful lifespan of currently-available antibiotics. DermTech Canada, a licensee of DermTech, has received approval to market DermTech’s Pigmented Lesions Assay (PLA) and non-invasive biopsy kit for the detection of melanoma in Canada.
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