Is Your Derm Really A Derm?
Posted By American Med Spa Association, Wednesday, January 24, 2018
Okay, so your first thought is probably: obviously. But what if we told you that not all doctors who practice “cosmetic treatments” or even dermatology are actually trained to do so? Yes, it could be your “dermatologist” too. Here at Charlotte’s Book, we’ve had many doctors apply to our directory—doctors who are often quoted and interviewed as skin experts on prominent media channels—who are not in fact board-certified. So, we’ve had to reject their applications because they don’t meet our code. You would be shocked at how often this happens. We were.
Unfortunately, there are many doctors out there who are performing dermatological procedures or providing “expert” advice, without the proper credentials or education. What they’re doing is not technically illegal: a family physician can legally add “cosmetics” to his or her practice, or even transition their practice to cosmetic treatment, which is more lucrative. But they don’t have to take their dermatology board exams or have extensive training in the field. These doctors aren’t breaking the law, but they can’t offer the same level of expertise that a board-certified dermatologist can.
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Unfortunately, there are many doctors out there who are performing dermatological procedures or providing “expert” advice, without the proper credentials or education. What they’re doing is not technically illegal: a family physician can legally add “cosmetics” to his or her practice, or even transition their practice to cosmetic treatment, which is more lucrative. But they don’t have to take their dermatology board exams or have extensive training in the field. These doctors aren’t breaking the law, but they can’t offer the same level of expertise that a board-certified dermatologist can.
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