Microneedling Effective In Reducing The Signs Of Facial Aging
Posted By American Med Spa Association, Monday, August 27, 2018
For her study, “Safety and Effectiveness of an Automated Microneedling Device in Improving the Signs of Aging Skin (Journal of Clinical and Aesthetic Dermatology, August 2018), Glynis Ablon, MD, FAAD, treated 48 subjects ages 39 to 67 years (Fitzpatrick skin types I to V with a mean of 2.2) with the Exceed automated microneedling device (Amiea Med). Skin texture, skin laxity, and wrinkle depth and severity were assessed at baseline and before subsequent microneedling sessions at 30, 60 and 90 days. A final assessment of treatment outcomes was conducted 150 days after the first treatment.
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