Plastic and Lies': Murder Charges Expose Vast Underground Butt-Injection Operation
Posted By American Med Spa Association, Friday, November 12, 2021
Deputy Chief Alan Hamilton, who runs operations at LAPD’s Valley Bureau, revealed to Rolling Stone that since the arrests, nearly 100 people have come forward to report they or a loved one had suffered injury or disfigurement following a procedure by Adame and Galaz. Police believe the two used Adame’s notoriety to recruit clients through Instagram and word of mouth. Another police source who spoke with Rolling Stone said Adame is believed to have been performing illicit home cosmetic procedures since at least 2012.
Investigators believe the two women were running a national, perhaps international, illegal cosmetic-surgery operation in which dozens of people were physically harmed. “We’ve already verified that we have victims in other states, and we are working on verifying that we have victims from other countries, as well,” Hamilton says, adding that people have come forward from Miami to Toronto and that new reports are “a daily occurrence.” Several of the people Rolling Stone reached out to for this article claimed to know additional former clients of Adame and Galaz who were too afraid to speak out about their experiences, because they feared reprisal. The full scope of Adame and Galaz’s impact therefore remains to be seen.
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Investigators believe the two women were running a national, perhaps international, illegal cosmetic-surgery operation in which dozens of people were physically harmed. “We’ve already verified that we have victims in other states, and we are working on verifying that we have victims from other countries, as well,” Hamilton says, adding that people have come forward from Miami to Toronto and that new reports are “a daily occurrence.” Several of the people Rolling Stone reached out to for this article claimed to know additional former clients of Adame and Galaz who were too afraid to speak out about their experiences, because they feared reprisal. The full scope of Adame and Galaz’s impact therefore remains to be seen.
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