Secrets to Successful Fat Transfer
Posted By American Med Spa Association, Tuesday, November 24, 2015
Chicago-based facial plastic surgeon Steven Dayan, M.D., says he hasn’t seen any of the reported problems with autologous fat use among his cosmetic patients.
“Autologous fat has been around for many years. We’ve always questioned its survival rates. And on rare occasions, when it stays, complications can occur where years later … lumps and bumps may surface, or faces can take on a distorted or bizarre look,” Dr. Dayan tells Cosmetic Surgery Times. “Those are the issues being reported, but I’m not seeing any of those, and I’ve been doing fat in large volumes for around 10 years.”
Dr. Dayan shared his approach to autologous fat transfer yesterday, during his presentation “Autologous Fat vs. Off-the-shelf Fillers,” at the Global Aesthetics Conference, in Miami Beach, Fla.
Read more at Cosmetic Surgery Times.