US FDA Pushes Sunscreen Reform on Three Fronts

Posted By American Med Spa Association, Wednesday, June 20, 2018

The U.S. Food and Drug Administ­ration (FDA) has announced three new efforts to advance its framework for sun protection products: 1) ensuring accurately promoted/marketed sunscreen benefits; 2) supporting safer and more effective sunscreen innovations, now with Maximal Usage Trials (MUsT); and 3) enforcement guidance for the OTC topicals industry. These efforts are being set forth now, before North American consumers head into the summer sun, and in line with the #DontFryDay sunscreen advocacy drive.
According to an FDA statement issued by Scott Gottlieb, M.D., FDA Commissioner, "Consumers should know the products they are using to protect themselves are effective at guarding against harmful UV radiation and safe to use on themselves and their families. Unfortun­ately, this isn’t always the case.