Introducing the Distinguished Women in Medical Aesthetics, Part 3

Posted By Madilyn Moeller, Wednesday, July 24, 2024

AmSpa Distinguished Woman 2023

In Spring 2024, QP shone a spotlight on 31 women who are going above and beyond to set high standards and foster growth within the industry. These Distinguished Women in Medical Aesthetics are not only driven to be the best, but they also strive to bring out the best in those around them and provide the best to every patient they see.

Read on for the full interviews with these incredible women, as we present them in a series of five blog articles.

Lynn Heublein

Lynn Heublein, SkinSpirit

Lynn Heublein is the CEO and co-founder of SkinSpirit, an award-winning national medical aesthetics brand. SkinSpirit was conceived out of Heublein's passion to help every person at every age feel confident in their own skin. After receiving her B.S. in Civil Engineering from the University of Washington and MBA from Stanford University, Heublein became a brand manager at Procter & Gamble and eventually developed a career in the technology space, where she was an executive for companies such as, Catapult Entertainment and THQ. Heublein made a leap from the technology industry to aesthetics, fueled by a desire to create a space where women could feel their best with the help of comprehensive aesthetic treatments. In 2003, Heublein partnered with Stanford-educated, board-certified plastic surgeon, M. Dean Vistnes, MD, to open the first SkinSpirit location in Palo Alto, California. Today, SkinSpirit has more than 30 locations throughout the U.S. and is a leading provider of Botox Cosmetic and dermal fillers.


  • When did you begin practicing aesthetics? In 2003, I co-founded SkinSpirit with Dr. Dean Vistnes and Cara Fonteyne, RN, in Palo Alto, California. We celebrated the 20th anniversary of SkinSpirit last year, and it is remarkable to see how our business and the medical aesthetics industry overall has evolved over the last two decades. I am especially proud of the high bar we have set since 2003 in terms of patient safety and outcomes, practice excellence and elevating the reputation of our industry.
  • What do you love about medical aesthetics? What’s not to love? Our work empowers our clients to feel great and live their best lives, and our business does the same for our staff. SkinSpirit empowers our employees with platforms for ongoing education, career growth and success doing what they love the most, which is caring for others.
  • What obstacles have you encountered because you are a woman? As a female leader, I have seen double standards when it comes to what is expected and even “acceptable” in terms of leadership style. The traits that are admired in men are often looked upon negatively in women, especially when it comes to how women in business exert themselves. We have built a culture at SkinSpirit where we all share common core values, but we encourage our leaders to develop their own unique style. In our company, our female leaders have flourished by leaning into what makes them effective rather than conforming to a standard.
  • What kinds of support have you received from other women in the industry? Over the years, I have received amazing support and advice from female colleagues, both within our industry and outside of it. This support has lifted my spirits and bolstered my confidence in our vision. I strive to give other women the type of support that I have received and to be a positive force for women in medical aesthetics.
  • What would you change about your experience in the industry if you had the chance? Our industry has experienced unprecedented growth in the past five years. While this is a positive overall, I also believe that, without great oversight, it comes with significant risks. There are lots of new people entering the space with little to no category experience, and I worry that they may tarnish our industry reputation and our clients’ experiences in medical aesthetics.
  • What advice would you give to other women in the industry? You are an original! We all achieve in different ways. Don’t worry about what other people are doing. Concentrate on being the best version of yourself and creating the company you would want to work at. By focusing on what you love to do, you will be successful.
Dr. Amanda Holden

Amanda Holden, MD, Holden Timeless Beauty Med Spa

Amanda Holden, MD, is double board-certified in emergency medicine and medical aesthetics. She is the founder and CEO of Holden Timeless Beauty, a multi-location medical aesthetics practice in Southern California. She also co-founded the HTB Aesthetics Academy, which trains injectors in the art of minimally invasive injectables. She speaks as a faculty educator at medical aesthetics conferences nationally and tours nationally as the keynote speaker for the global device company BTL. In 2022, she joined the Galderma GAIN Business team to teach best practices to aesthetics practice owners nationwide. She has been featured on multiple podcasts, and has her own podcast titled Reveal the Appeal. She has studied business extensively with the 10X community led by Grant Cardone and is a 10X licensee. She has also announced that she is merging with Alpha Aesthetics Partners as a co-founder in a new aesthetics vertical.


  • When did you begin practicing aesthetics? I founded Holden Timeless Beauty based in San Diego in 2017.
  • What do you love about medical aesthetics? What I most love about aesthetics is the positive impact treatments have on patients’ lives. I absolutely love examining a patient’s face for balance and signs of aging and then making subtle suggestions as to how they can enhance their natural beauty and age differently. There is a vibrance and energy connected to a confident human being, and I love getting to play a role in the process of increasing confidence in individuals’ lives.
  • What obstacles have you encountered because you were a woman? The most difficult part of being a full-time entrepreneur is balancing work and family. For me, family is everything, and it is important to me to find that balance between raising my children, being an incredible wife, and building and growing a large business. As a female, we tend to have different expectations than males. In our traditional roles, we are the ones who are supposed to do the cooking, cleaning, grocery shopping and everything else. I’ve had to break that traditional mold and have conversations of compromise with my husband so that we are each pitching in in every way that we can as we both work full-time and are raising our children. We also rely on family and other wonderful people in our lives that have made all the traditional rules easier for us to bend.
  • What kinds of support have you received from other women in the industry? I have received so much support from other women in the industry, it is almost hard to quantify. Once you open your mind to the idea of “collaboration over competition,” you suddenly see how the power of collaboration in the aesthetics industry can change your life and allow you to grow light-years faster than if you were doing it alone. My aesthetics bestie, Katie Martin, has been the biggest supporter of all to me, as we set out on a journey together to educate and innovate the industry in 2019. Beyond Katie, I have learned a tremendous amount from countless women in this industry in terms of mindset, best in business practices and flawless techniques in injectables.
  • What would you change about your experience in the industry if you had the chance? Looking back, I wish that I would have had a way to avoid mistakes I made in the beginning and prevent the endless “reinventing of the wheel” of business best practices. The ultimate dream would be to have a guidebook to read for new injectors and business owners, helping navigate the complexities that confront us in the first few years. This dream guidebook would be published in series, having segments for intermediate learners and advanced learners outlining tips, tricks, and best practices in the field of aesthetics. We need to give back to those who will be the future providers and business owners so that we can help uplift the industry as a whole.
  • What advice would you give other women in the industry? Do not let the fear of failure hold you back. We can all achieve anything we set our minds to with passion backed by massive action and determination. No dream is ever too big, and no goal is ever unattainable.
Maegen Kennedy, PA-C

Maegen Kennedy, MMS, PA-C, Windermere Medical Spa & Laser Institute

At Windermere Medical Spa & Laser Institute, Maegen Kennedy, MMS, PA-C, leads "The Princess Injectors,” a team of expert injectors and providers. With more than 13 years of experience, she excels in facial aesthetics, focusing on collagen production and overall skin quality along with internal health to slow down and reverse some of the aging process. Recognized globally, she has been accredited by A4M, is a Sciton Luminary, is a GAIN trainer for Galderma and is part of Galderma's advisory board. She collaborates with top professionals, ensuring high standards in patient care and safety. Windermere Medical Spa & Laser Institute is a premier Sculptra provider across the entire southeast region of the U.S.


  • When did you begin practicing aesthetics? My career in aesthetics began in 2011, roughly 13 years ago.
  • What do you love about medical aesthetics? Being able to make a significant positive impact on another person’s life and confidence.
  • What obstacles have you encountered because you are a woman? Luckily, this is predominantly a woman-led industry; however, I believe, back in the day, getting a bank loan would have been easier if I was a man.
  • What kinds of support have you received from other women in the industry? You need to find your people and collaborate. Find a handful of women who are like-minded personally and in their business practices. We’re all going through this at the same time, and the stress can become overwhelming without support. I’m lucky to have a strong business consultant and successful colleagues who own businesses to bounce ideas off, share information and brainstorm.
  • What would you change about your experience in the industry if you had the chance? In the beginning, I would have liked to have had more formal training. Over 13 years ago, training on fillers was only through the companies, and they were too brief to really learn what you needed. One big thing I would change about this industry now is the social media. Social media, in one second, can destroy aesthetics. I believe an educated patient is best; however, one that is scared to death about the risks because they watch all the scary things that can happen is not moving this industry in a sustainable way. Fear tactics can significantly impact the very thing we all need to have, which is clients in our chairs.
  • What advice would you give to other women in the industry? Get training and stay hungry for new things, but don’t jump on every bandwagon. New products don’t have to be used immediately—make sure the general population tries it first; there is no rush. Use large blunt tip cannulas for 99% of all injections and make sure to focus on skin health, not just volume and wrinkle reduction. Create a membership that is simple. Stop discounting your services. Invest in the best technologies only. Have fun, stay humble, don’t overfill, say no a lot and don’t be afraid to be yourself.
Rana Kennelly, NP, CANS

Rana Kennelly, MSN, AGNP-C, CANS, The Confidence Bar

With more than two decades of experience in aesthetics, Rana Kennelly, MSN, AGNP-C, a certified aesthetic nurse specialist, brings a wealth of expertise to the field. In 2013, Kennelly founded The Confidence Lab, a hub dedicated to providing top-tier aesthetic training, which furnishes the next generation of aesthetic providers with candid, comprehensive and motivating education. The addition of The Confidence Bar, an exquisite boutique medical spa in Chicago, came in 2020; this is where Kennelly and her proficient team celebrate natural beauty through safe and experienced facial injectables. She is a speaker trainer for Allergan, Galderma, Revance, and PALETTE Resources.


  • When did you begin practicing aesthetics? I have been in the aesthetics field for 20 years. Time flies when you are doing what you love with a few less wrinkles than some of your friends who chose another career pathway.
  • What do you love about medical aesthetics? I got into aesthetics because I wanted a career where nobody dies and I could empower women. This career path has provided the opportunity to enhance people’s appearance and boost their self-confidence. It's such a rewarding feeling to make a positive impact on someone's life, especially when they share with you the obstacles they're facing. I genuinely believe that these little aesthetic treatments can put our patients on a better path to happiness. That’s job satisfaction, right there!
  • What obstacles have you encountered because you are a woman? In any profession, there are obstacles to overcome. However, I believe that these obstacles often stem from factors such as nurse vs. doctor, jealousy or a scarcity mindset. It's important to remember that there is plenty of success and opportunities to go around for everyone. We should support and uplift each other rather than tearing each other down.
  • What kinds of support have you received from other women in the industry? I am incredibly grateful for the support I have received from amazing women across the country. I have a strong network of like-minded women who challenge, inspire and elevate me. We believe in collaboration and knowledge sharing, as it benefits the industry as a whole. I really value my Patreon community that holds me accountable to give my best.
  • What would you change about your experience in the industry if you had the chance? Looking back on my journey in aesthetics, I would say that I am happy with the progress we have made. Firstly, in our knowledge and skill (those earlier years, we froze upper faces and made monkey mouths) and, secondly, creating a more supportive and inclusive environment. However, if given the chance, I would have loved to see this level of support and inclusivity right from the start.
  • What advice would you give to other women in the industry? You’re never too old to start a new career in aesthetics and know that you belong. Making mistakes is a natural part of the learning process. My peers reach out to me about minor setbacks they have experienced. I often remind them that their deep care can sometimes lead them to take these mistakes too personally. We all eventually hit a DLI, drop a lid or have lip filler redistribution; nobody is dying over it! Network local and international. This will not only expand your connections, but also keep you updated on the latest safest approaches in this fast-growing industry. Remember to take care of yourself and find balance. Reward your hard work with well-deserved vacations and self-care. You need to be well-rested to deliver your best. I swear, well-rested providers who take their time get far fewer complications. And, lastly, let's have some fun along the way! Life is short—enjoy the journey and embrace the joy of helping others feel their best. It’s a privilege.
Brianna LaTorre, APRN

Brianna LaTorre, MS, APRN, The Lip Bunny Beauty

Brianna LaTorre, MS, APRN, a certified nurse practitioner and master injector with seven years of experience, founded The Lip Bunny Beauty in August 2019. Her spa has become extremely busy, and she has trained eight master injectors for her team. Committed to continuous learning, she has pursued advanced master injecting courses, most recently in Norway and London. Recently, her business has been recognized as the number one Restylane Kysse provider in the U.S. Passionate about expanding, LaTorre aims to open more locations and cultivate a team of educated and skilled injectors.


  • When did you begin practicing aesthetics? My journey into the world of medical aesthetics began back in 2017, at a time when I was fully immersed in my role as a registered nurse. The pivotal moment that steered me toward this path occurred somewhat unexpectedly when I accompanied a friend for a cosmetic lip enhancement procedure. Up until that point, the realm of aesthetic medicine was somewhat unfamiliar to me, offering a new perspective on the intersection between health care and beauty. During this visit, the physician, who not only impressed us with their skill but also exuded a warmth and genuine care, casually inquired if I had ever contemplated a career as a nurse injector. This suggestion struck a chord with me, igniting a spark fueled by my longstanding passion for beauty and an innate desire to make a meaningful impact in the lives of others through my work. Motivated by this newfound interest, I wasted no time in seeking out the necessary training and certification to become a nurse injector. This decision marked the beginning of a swift transition into the field, as I began my practice in medical aesthetics just a month or so following my certification. It was a whirlwind of learning and discovery, but as I delved deeper into the practice, my initial intrigue blossomed into a profound love for the profession. It became abundantly clear to me that this was not just a new career path but my calling. The early days of my practice were filled with excitement and a steep learning curve, but each day affirmed my commitment to this field. The ability to blend artistry with medicine to enhance an individual's confidence and well-being has been an immensely fulfilling aspect of my work. Looking back on how a simple act of accompanying a friend led to a career that resonates so deeply with my personal and professional aspirations is a testament to the serendipitous nature of life's journey. Since then, my career in medical aesthetics has flourished, driven by a continuous passion for learning, innovation and the desire to provide the highest standard of care to my patients. Reflecting on this journey from its inception to where I stand today, it's heartening to see how far I've come, and I often think back to that fateful day with gratitude. Indeed, as the saying goes, the rest is history.
  • What do you love about medical aesthetics? The aspect of my career in medical aesthetics that I cherish the most is the profound and positive influence I can have on individuals' lives. People seek out medical aesthetic services for a myriad of reasons, coming from diverse backgrounds, and I deeply value the chance to connect with them on a personal level. Understanding their stories, their needs, and working diligently to assist them in realizing their aesthetic aspirations brings me immense satisfaction. The core of my motivation lies in the ability to boost someone's self-confidence and self-perception. Witnessing the transformative effect our services can have on someone's confidence and overall happiness is incredibly rewarding. This capacity to make a meaningful difference in people's lives by enhancing their well-being and self-esteem is what I find most fulfilling about working in the field of medical aesthetics.
  • What obstacles have you encountered because you are a woman? Truthfully, my journey as a woman in the field of medical aesthetics has been relatively smooth. This industry has long been influenced by strong female leaders, and I take great pride in being part of that legacy. It's an honor to stand alongside these remarkable women and contribute to laying the groundwork for future generations of women to excel in medical aesthetics. My experience underscores the empowerment and opportunities available in our field, emphasizing how it fosters an environment where women can thrive and lead.
  • What kinds of support have you received from other women in the industry? The camaraderie and support from fellow women in the medical aesthetics industry have been incredibly uplifting. This field thrives on the empowerment and leadership of women, and I've found a genuine sense of encouragement and backing from my female colleagues. They have been instrumental in fostering an environment that champions growth, innovation, and collective success. The kindness and support I've received from these amazing professionals have not only bolstered my confidence but have also deepened my pride in being part of such a progressive and inclusive industry. It's a privilege to work alongside these women, pushing the boundaries and shaping the future of medical aesthetics together.
  • What would you change about your experience in the industry if you had the chance? Reflecting on my journey in the medical aesthetics industry, there's genuinely little I would opt to change. The empowerment of women within this field has been both profound and inspiring, offering us unparalleled opportunities to positively impact the lives of countless individuals. While we inevitably encounter challenges, these obstacles serve as catalysts for growth and improvement, pushing us to excel and continuously enhance our expertise. My interactions with clients, colleagues, and fellow professionals have been overwhelmingly positive, enriching my professional life in numerous ways. These experiences have far surpassed any difficulties I might have faced, reinforcing my passion for this field. It's this very essence of overcoming, innovating and making meaningful contributions that makes this profession so rewarding and keeps my enthusiasm for my work alive day after day.
  • What advice would you give other women in the industry? My most significant piece of advice for women either currently in the medical aesthetics industry or those aspiring to join it is to remain undaunted by setbacks. The landscape of this field is becoming increasingly competitive, yet the essence of success lies in persistence and resilience. It's crucial to navigate challenges with determination, view failures as opportunities for growth, and commit to lifelong learning and improvement. Every challenge faced is an opportunity to strengthen your resolve and pave the way for future achievements. Additionally, it's essential to maintain your course despite the skepticism or misunderstanding of others. The path to realizing your dreams will inevitably be met with varying opinions and doubts from those around you. However, the key is to stay focused on your goals and not allow external voices to sway your direction. Uphold your authenticity and dedication to your vision; by doing so, you're not just advancing in your career but also paving the way for other women who will follow in your footsteps. Embrace your journey with confidence and integrity, and you'll find that success and fulfillment will naturally follow.

Vanessa Lee, RN

Vanessa Lee, RN, The Things We Do

Vanessa Lee, RN, is the force behind The Things We Do and a world-renowned medical aesthetic provider. She is highly sought after for her dedication to natural intention beauty guidance and her commitment to inclusivity and ethical practice while providing natural yet transformative results. A true creative at heart, Lee infuses her beauty and skin care methodologies with the aim of accentuating natural beauty and facial harmony. Fueled by her passion for intentional beauty and her deep commitment to inclusivity, Lee formulated her own celebrity-loved skin care line that highlights effective ingredients for all skin tones. Her reach continues to expand, with five locations in California and Hawai’i.


  • When did you begin practicing aesthetics? 2009
  • What do you love about medical aesthetics? We have the ability to boost our patient's confidence with just one appointment.
  • What obstacles have you encountered because you are a woman? Even though aesthetics is driven by women on the patient and provider side, I found that finding representation as a woman at conferences and KOL panels was rare and that most of the providers who were looked up to were male, and I found that odd. I have always pushed for myself and for women in general to be at the forefront of teaching, leading and inspiring in this industry. I eventually made it to those top stages that I would mainly see men on panels for and even had to create that space for myself and others at times, and it is something I am very proud of.
  • What kinds of support have you received from other women in the industry? I have never had male colleagues message me just to say they appreciate what I have done for our industry or that they admire my work, let alone approach me in person at conferences to say the same thing. But with women, the support is always vocalized. We reach out to each other, we build community, we express our gratitude openly for each other, and I am so thankful for that.
  • What would you change about your experience in the industry if you had the chance? Absolutely nothing. Every win and loss have been valuable lessons, the losses even more so than the wins. To learn from mistakes and to adapt to become a better provider and colleague is something I would never trade for the sake of an easier journey.
  • What advice would you give to other women in the industry? The worst thing any provider can do is compare themselves to others. If you find yourself constantly scrolling and watching what others are doing instead of focusing that time and energy on how you can become better, it is a huge waste of our most valuable asset—time. Focus on serving your patients better, enjoying what you do, inspiring your team and creating a lasting legacy as a provider, and you won't go wrong.

Join us next week as we continue this series celebrating AmSpa’s Distinguished Women in Medical Aesthetics! Catch up with Part 1Part 2. Read on for Part 4 & Part 5.

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