MSS 2025: Legal Courses for the Compliant Med Spa

Posted By Madilyn Moeller, Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Where medical spa law meets medical spa business (and clinical!)—Medical Spa Show 2025 has the compliance resources you need to succeed in the medical aesthetics industry.

This year, AmSpa is bringing legal issues to the forefront by exposing all conference attendees to a compliance conversation during General Session. The entire community is impacted by the public image that disproportionately highlights bad actors—hear them talk about compliance, then start your own conversations with med spas in your position.

Below, find a description of each of the dedicated legal presentations at Medical Spa Show, from April 10-13, 2025 at the Wynn Las Vegas.

Thursday, April 10

One-day Medical Spa Boot Camp 

Learn how to open and run a legally compliant and profitable medical spa practice. Connect with experts who are eager to share their secrets, and find resources to help you turn your medical aesthetic vision into reality.

The Law  
12:45 – 2 pm | Sam Pondrom, JD, ByrdAdatto; and Alex R. Thiersch, JD, AmSpa 

  • Overview of regional rules and regulations affecting the medical spa and aesthetic industry. 
  • Current hot-topic state-specific issues affecting the industry. 
  • Ownership: Who can own a medical spa? How best to structure a corporation. 
  • Medical spa supervision and delegation: Must a physician be present and examine every new patient?  
  • Patient privacy 
  • Medical advertising 
  • Reputation management and responding to negative review

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Friday, April 11

General Session

PANEL: Dangerous Practices, Devastating Consequences: A Compliance Perspective 
8:55 – 9:25am | Moderator: Alex R. Thiersch, JD, AmSpa; Panelists: Bradford E. Adatto, JD, Michael S. Byrd, JD, ByrdAdatto; Patrick Blake, MD, Portrait; Kate Dee, MD, Glow MediSpa 
As the industry grows and evolves, more and more attention is being paid to compliance by regulators and the public at large. With this attention also comes the scrutiny of bad actors in the space, including clinicians and practices that aren't operating safely or compliantly. In this panel, learn more about the challenges the industry is facing, as well as the best practices the entire industry needs to adopt to ensure medical aesthetics remains viable, successful and profitable for years to come.

The Legal Playbook: Best Practices and Beyond

PANEL: Everything You Want to Know About Running a Thriving Med Spa 
1:05 – 2:05pm | Michael S. Byrd, JD, and Bradford E. Adatto, JD, ByrdAdatto 
This panel will explore what you should know to have a thriving med spa but were
afraid to ask. It will have legal professionals, accounting professionals and owner/operators sharing best practices to ensure your med spa thrives in a compliant manner.

How Successful Med Spas Manage Chaos 
2:15 – 2:40pm | Jay D. Reyero, JD, Bradford E. Adatto, JD, Michael S. Byrd, JD, Jeff Segal, MD, JD, ByrdAdatto 
Running a business is stressful, and when chaos strikes, it can become unbearable. The session will focus on how successful med spas manage chaos from the three areas of risk: competitors, employees and patients. The session will explore how to minimize the risks and provide tips on how med spa owners can manage chaos.

Is My Med Spa Compliant? 
3:50 – 4:15pm | Jay D. Reyero, JD, Bradford E. Adatto, JD, Michael S. Byrd, JD, ByrdAdatto 
Most med spa owners are focused on running their business. They want to be compliant, but, over time, they often start to drift out of compliance. This presentation will focus on identifying common non-compliance issues within med spas and ways to correct them.

PANEL: Implementing a Successful Weight Loss Program 
4:25 – 5:25pm | Moderator: Jay D. Reyero, JD, ByrdAdatto; Panelists: Sam Pondrom, JD, Michael S. Byrd, JD, ByrdAdatto; Gilberto Saenz III, MPAS, PA-C, Austin Plastic Surgeon 
The weight loss revolution is real. Med spas are working hard to figure out how to begin offering this service, but there are both operational and compliance hurdles to overcome. This panel will discuss tips on how to successfully implement a weight loss program or service line while ensuring compliance standards are met.

Why attend legal courses at Medical Spa Show?

The efforts of every single aesthetic practice to operate safely and compliantly—from single location med spas to nationwide franchises—help to instill confidence in the patient population, ensuring the long-term viability, success, and profitability of medical aesthetics. Staying up-to-date with med spa laws is one of the fundamentals behind compliant practices.

If you have already enlisted the assistance of an attorney or law firm, your med spa might be in great shape. Still, in this regulatory climate, these presentations give you an excellent opportunity to review your existing practices and protocols to make sure they line up with any new rules.

Just starting an aesthetic practice? These courses will give you a framework for further research and let you know what questions you can bring back to your attorney to make sure your med spa is built with a strong foundation in compliance.

Since 2018, the Medical Spa Show has united owners, providers, professionals and industry brands under one roof through a common commitment to patient safety, legal compliance and continued excellence. Send a member of your team to these legal courses and invest in the prosperity of safe, responsible medical aesthetic practices. View the full conference agenda at

AmSpa brings its members regulatory updates straight to their inbox. Visit AmSpa’s Legal Updates page for the latest med spa laws in your state.

ByrdAdatto is a national business and health care law firm that serves clients in many industries, including the highly regulated aesthetics industry. ByrdAdatto combines deep industry knowledge with complex regulatory experience. The firm’s attorneys have become a national voice, routinely lecturing throughout the country at aesthetics, medical, and legal conferences. Inspired by the reach of training and education provided at conferences, ByrdAdatto launched the Legal 123s with ByrdAdatto podcast to help simplify complicated issues that come with owning a successful business. ByrdAdatto eliminates inefficiencies often associated with law firms and, instead, offers creative solutions while striving to make the law accessible and easy to understand.

Contact AmSpa membership to schedule your complimentary call with ByrdAdatto today!

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