7 Steps to Prevent Burnout in Your Practice
Posted By American Med Spa Association, Friday, August 14, 2015
Physicians have been hearing a lot about burnout and how it can lead to cynicism, negative attitudes toward patients, exhaustion and the desire to quit practicing medicine. The good news is that you can make changes in your practice to reduce your risk of burnout—learn how.
A free online module, part of the AMA’s STEPS Forward website, shows you how to measure and respond to burnout in your practice. Follow these seven steps:
1. Establish wellness as a quality indicator.
Burnout has a broad-reaching impact—on physicians, patients, the quality of care delivered and practice finances. Encourage your practice to establish physician wellness as a quality indicator that is regularly measured. The module has information about why preventing burnout should be a priority for your practice.
2. Start a wellness committee or choose a wellness champion.
A wellness committee made up of clinicians (doctors, nurses and physician assistants) as well as administrators (finance and management staff) should work with organizational leaders on the issue.
If you have a solo or small practice, a wellness champion may be a better option. The champion should be an individual in the organization who promotes the use of wellness resources and models positive behaviors. The module includes talking points for discussing this idea with practice leaders.
Read more at AMA Wire.