Dr. Mandy Honored with ASDS Stegman Award
Posted By American Med Spa Association, Monday, November 9, 2015
Stephen H. Mandy, M.D., of Miami Beach, FL, was presented recently with the Samuel J. Stegman, MD, Award for Distinguished Service, the highest honor bestowed by the American Society for Dermatologic Surgery (ASDS).
The Stegman Award – given to Dr. Mandy during the 2015 ASDS Annual Meeting in Chicago – honors individuals who have significantly contributed to ASDS and to the field of dermatologic surgery. Dr. Mandy has held leadership positions in the Society and is considered an “unsung pioneer” of the dermatologic surgery specialty.
Dr. Mandy, who joined the Society in its early stages in 1973, said he feels “very paternalistic” about ASDS.
“I’ve watched it grow from a very small, nuclear group in the very infancy of dermatologic surgery to the Society as we know it today,” said Mandy, who served on the Board of Directors when the late Samuel Stegman was ASDS President in 1986-87. “They formed this organization to help validate the specialty and to increase its knowledge and grow the specialty. I feel like I was very much on the ground floor of that.”
Dr. Mandy, a voluntary professor at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine’s Department of Dermatology and owner/director of South Beach Dermatology, carries an extensive track record of engagement with ASDS.
Read more at DermWire.