Read the Latest Letter From the Director by AmSpa's Founder, Alex R. Thiersch
Posted By American Med Spa Association, Monday, November 9, 2015
There's a lot going on and I wanted to make sure everyone was up to speed. First, thanks so much to you all for your continued to support. AmSpa is going stronger than ever--we're adding members, benefits, events and vendors almost every day.
Also, if you're not a member yet, we need your support. Enforcement is on the rise (more on that to
Alex R. Thiersch, Founder/Director, AmSpa
come) and laws are changing every day. The more members we have, the more we can do to help the industry. Check out our benefits when you get a chance.
Los Angeles Medical Aesthetics Boot Camp
I wanted to remind everyone to check out AmSpa's Medical Aesthetic Boot Camp in LA on Saturday and Sunday, November 14-15. We're a little more than a week away and we've only got 5 seats available. We keep these classes small so that attendees can interact with our speakers, vendors and each other and, once it's sold out, it's sold out.
We've got the best health care attorneys in the country speaking on aesthetic medical regulations, such as:
Supervision and delegation (who can operate lasers, who has to be present on site, etc.);
Social media law;
The law surrounding gift cards (hint, they're often illegal in the medical setting);
Corporate structure;
OSHA and HIPAA; and
Much more.
For those of you who haven't been to an AmSpa event before, don't even think about attending unless you're ready to learn. We dive head-first into these topics so that when you leave, you have the tools you need to operate successfully and legally. And our boot camps aren't just about the law--we've got the best speakers in the industry to talk about branding, marketing, staff-retention and building for the future. The Medical Aesthetic Boot Camp is the crown jewel of the AmSpa educational fleet, so don't miss it. Register today.
2016 AmSpa Event Schedule
Dallas is the home of AmSpa's first event in 2016. Click here to learn more.
Also, if you haven't heard, we've released our schedule of events for 2016. NYC, Phoenix, Dallas, Washington D.C., and, of course, home sweet home Chicago, are all on the list. We've got three distinct programs lined up, each providing something a little different.
Boot Camps. The Boot Camp programs are intense, two-day programs where attendees learn everything about how to open a medical spa, add medical aesthetics to their existing practice or improve their medical aesthetic business.
Regulatory programs. Our Regulatory programs are one-day events in particular states where our lawyers give you the low down on what the law allows in that state.
Traditional programs. And finally our Traditional events are AmSpa's one-day regional medical aesthetic events where we combine legal and practice management tools to help you succeed in this industry, as well as a staff-training track. The first traditional program takes place in Dallas on January 11th. Learn more about this event and register today.
Take a look at our calendar and save the date for the program that is best for you. Stay tuned for registration opening soon for each event.
Membership Renewal
Finally, AmSpa's renewal season is upon us and, if you haven't renewed, do so today. There is a ton going on in the industry, particularly on the enforcement side. California, Illinois and the East Coast have seen large increases in prosecutions for improper laser use and lawsuits dealing with lasers are on the rise. OSHA is, as predicted, starting to visit medical spas, as well. The best way to avoid this stress is to be compliant, and that's why AmSpa exists: To help our members navigate the complex waters of aesthetic medical regulation.
Along with having access to the summary for your state's most frequently asked medical aesthetic legal and regulatory questions and discounted rates with AmSpa partner attorneys, following are only some of the benefits of being a member of AmSpa.
Discounts to AmSpa Events
AmSpa members receive a $100 discount for the LA event!
National Industry Job Board
AmSpa members receive a discount when placing a position
OJM Group
AmSpa members receive a consultation and CME access.
OSHA Compliance Tools AmSpa members receive a 20% discount.
Aesthetic Training
AmSpa members receive a discount on training.
60+ Generic Forms
AmSpa members have access to this handy library.
Laser Compliance Tools
AmSpa members receive a 20% discount
AmSpa Medical Spa Insurance
Members can save 15-20% over other programs.
Digital Marketing
AmSpa members receive a discount on these services.
HIPAA Online Certification
AmSpa members save $10 per staff member.
Group Purchasing
AmSpa members receive discounts on needed supplies.
AmSpa Marketplace
Full of products with deals for AmSpa members only.
Standard Operating Procedures
by Steven H. Dayan, MD
AmSpa members save $50
FDA Attorney
AmSpa members receive discounts and a consultation.
AmSpa Weekly
The top medical aesthetic stories delivered weekly.
Renew today!
More Information
If you need more information about renewing your membership, becoming a member, attending or exhibiting at an event, or anything else, please don't hesitate to reach out. The AmSpa team is available and ready to help! We can be reached at 312-981-0993 or
Hope to see you at one of AmSpa's events soon!
Alex Thiersch
American Med Spa Association (AmSpa)