How to Build a Profitable Medical Aesthetic Practice
Posted By American Med Spa Association, Thursday, November 30, 2017
Updated January 21, 2021
Running a successful medical spa or medical aesthetic practice takes a unique blend of business and marketing savvy, knowledge of state and federal laws and clinical training.
Medical aesthetic facilities are medical practices, but they must also be structured and run like efficient businesses to draw patients and remain profitable. The average medical spa brings in $1 million per year according to the AmSpa 2019 Medical Spa State of the Industry Report, and top practices can approach $4–$5 million. Even during the COVID-19 pandemic many practices managed to survive and thrive, despite being closed for several months of 2020.
Find the resources you need to build and run a legal and profitable non-surgical medical aesthetic practice.
These two-day intensive seminars teach you how to run a profitable medical spa practice. Learn how to recruit, hire and retain an exceptional team, affordably attract and keep patients, offer the most profitable and effective treatments and more!
You’ll also learn how to ensure your practice’s long-term success including planning when and how to expand, tracking efficiency metrics and making your practice attractive to buyers.
Finally, you’ll get a rundown of the most important med spa laws you need to know to run a compliant practice.
Click here for dates and registration.
If you can’t make it to any in-person dates, take advantage of online training to learn how to level-up your practice from the comfort of your own chair. The Virtual Boot Camp includes 12 hours of on-demand video content from many of the same experts that speak at the Medical Spa & Aesthetic Boot Camps. You’ll also receive downloads of sample forms and additional reference articles.
Click here to watch today.
These summaries are an online tool allowing you to quickly reference the laws governing medical spas in your state. They are a list of commonly asked questions researched and prepared for easy use by a team of skilled lawyers at ByrdAdatto Law Firm. Clinical Training.
Find out who can inject neuromodulators and fillers in your state, who can fire a laser, if Botox parties are legal and more. AmSpa Basic members can see answers to 31 med spa law questions while AmSpa Plus members get access to more than 100 questions.
AmSpa Plus members also get access to their state’s Treatment Delegation Table which is an easy visual representation of Who Can Do What, covering 21 different treatments across 6 distinct professional titles.
Click here for more information.
Find all the forms you need to run a safe, compliant medical spa. Created and reviewed by ByrdAdatto attorneys, these forms help provide security for your practice and patients, offer training information for your employees, and include operations information that will help your medical aesthetic practice run safely, day in and day out. Find download packages of
You can also download the full package of all of these forms here.
The objective of this course is to give injectors the opportunity to take a deep dive into anatomy at all levels. YOU INJECT and then YOU DISSECT!! The ultimate goal is to obtain a strong command of all critical anatomical structures in the face pertinent to facial injections. This day and a half cadaver course includes didactic lecture and hands-on injection and dissection allowing you to actually see how filler interacts with the different layers of facial anatomy.
Click here for dates and more information.
Learn from leading trainers and experts in the medical spa industry. The AmSpa Masters Online Training Program brings years of medical spa experience directly to your screen. From techniques and treatments to legal and business best-practices, this on-demand program is your medical spa master class. These two-hour on-demand courses can help you stay on top of the newest treatments in medical aesthetics.
Click here to watch today.
For even more online education check out AmSpa’s live and recorded webinars for consistently updated legal, business and treatment information.
Additionally, listen and subscribe to the Medical Spa Insider podcast on your favorite podcast service to listen to industry leaders discuss their secrets to success.
Running a successful medical spa or medical aesthetic practice takes a unique blend of business and marketing savvy, knowledge of state and federal laws and clinical training.
Medical aesthetic facilities are medical practices, but they must also be structured and run like efficient businesses to draw patients and remain profitable. The average medical spa brings in $1 million per year according to the AmSpa 2019 Medical Spa State of the Industry Report, and top practices can approach $4–$5 million. Even during the COVID-19 pandemic many practices managed to survive and thrive, despite being closed for several months of 2020.
Find the resources you need to build and run a legal and profitable non-surgical medical aesthetic practice.
These two-day intensive seminars teach you how to run a profitable medical spa practice. Learn how to recruit, hire and retain an exceptional team, affordably attract and keep patients, offer the most profitable and effective treatments and more!
You’ll also learn how to ensure your practice’s long-term success including planning when and how to expand, tracking efficiency metrics and making your practice attractive to buyers.
Finally, you’ll get a rundown of the most important med spa laws you need to know to run a compliant practice.
Click here for dates and registration.
If you can’t make it to any in-person dates, take advantage of online training to learn how to level-up your practice from the comfort of your own chair. The Virtual Boot Camp includes 12 hours of on-demand video content from many of the same experts that speak at the Medical Spa & Aesthetic Boot Camps. You’ll also receive downloads of sample forms and additional reference articles.
Click here to watch today.
These summaries are an online tool allowing you to quickly reference the laws governing medical spas in your state. They are a list of commonly asked questions researched and prepared for easy use by a team of skilled lawyers at ByrdAdatto Law Firm. Clinical Training.
Find out who can inject neuromodulators and fillers in your state, who can fire a laser, if Botox parties are legal and more. AmSpa Basic members can see answers to 31 med spa law questions while AmSpa Plus members get access to more than 100 questions.
AmSpa Plus members also get access to their state’s Treatment Delegation Table which is an easy visual representation of Who Can Do What, covering 21 different treatments across 6 distinct professional titles.
Click here for more information.
Find all the forms you need to run a safe, compliant medical spa. Created and reviewed by ByrdAdatto attorneys, these forms help provide security for your practice and patients, offer training information for your employees, and include operations information that will help your medical aesthetic practice run safely, day in and day out. Find download packages of
You can also download the full package of all of these forms here.
The objective of this course is to give injectors the opportunity to take a deep dive into anatomy at all levels. YOU INJECT and then YOU DISSECT!! The ultimate goal is to obtain a strong command of all critical anatomical structures in the face pertinent to facial injections. This day and a half cadaver course includes didactic lecture and hands-on injection and dissection allowing you to actually see how filler interacts with the different layers of facial anatomy.
Click here for dates and more information.
Learn from leading trainers and experts in the medical spa industry. The AmSpa Masters Online Training Program brings years of medical spa experience directly to your screen. From techniques and treatments to legal and business best-practices, this on-demand program is your medical spa master class. These two-hour on-demand courses can help you stay on top of the newest treatments in medical aesthetics.
Click here to watch today.
For even more online education check out AmSpa’s live and recorded webinars for consistently updated legal, business and treatment information.
Additionally, listen and subscribe to the Medical Spa Insider podcast on your favorite podcast service to listen to industry leaders discuss their secrets to success.