Liposuction vs Kybella
Posted By American Med Spa Association, Monday, February 13, 2017
People don’t like the excess fat under their chins. In fact, 67% of the more than 7,300 respondents to the 2015 The American Society for Dermatologic Surgery (ASDS) Consumer Survey said they were somewhat to extremely bothered by the extra fat under their chins and necks. Two popular, yet different, solutions are Kybella [Allergan] and liposuction. To help cosmetic surgeons choose the best option for their practice and patients, Michael P. Morrissette, D.D.S., a cosmetic facial surgeon in Ventura, Calif., compared the procedures in his presentation, “Comparison of techniques for Removal of Submental Fat: Closed liposuction vs. Kybella,” yesterday at the American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery’s (AACS’s) 2017 annual scientific meeting in San Diego, Calif.
Dr. Morrissette tells Cosmetic Surgery Times his comparison revealed four key findings:
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Dr. Morrissette tells Cosmetic Surgery Times his comparison revealed four key findings:
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