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March 6, 2019
New Bill Would Grant Independent Practice to Nurse Practitioners in California
A new bill introduced in California would allow nurse practitioners (NPs) to practice without the...
March 5, 2019
Clearing away the clutter
While clutter might seem like just “stuff,” there is a psychology to why we accumulate...
March 5, 2019
Cosmeceuticals for skin of color
Skin of color patients are less concerned that the cosmeceuticals they use address fine lines...
March 5, 2019
New Bill Would Expand Prescriptive Authority for Advanced Practice Registered Nurses in Utah
A new bill introduced in Utah would expand the conditions where an advanced practice registered...
March 4, 2019
Weed out price shoppers and find serious patients
When it comes to the challenges of running a medical practice, most physicians will agree...
March 4, 2019
Stop discounting, start cross-promoting
Even established, successful practices can have a hard time introducing and selling new products in...
March 4, 2019
New Bill Would Abolish Regulation of Barbers and Cosmetologists in Texas
A new bill introduced in Texas would remove the current regulations governing barbers and cosmetologists...