RF for Skin Tightening
Posted By American Med Spa Association, Monday, December 9, 2019
When it comes to radiofrequency (RF) devices, Mark Beaty, MD, a facial plastic surgeon practicing in Atlanta, uses a combination of devices to maximize skin tightening and skin tone improvement for those patients who desire a nonsurgical treatment option.
“Somebody who has a primary issue with skin laxity may require one device or one set of devices,” says Dr. Beaty. “Somebody who has a more global problem with both skin laxity, texture problems and skin tone problems may benefit from using a combination of devices.”
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“Somebody who has a primary issue with skin laxity may require one device or one set of devices,” says Dr. Beaty. “Somebody who has a more global problem with both skin laxity, texture problems and skin tone problems may benefit from using a combination of devices.”
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