What City Holds the Predicted Top Spot for Wrinkles by the Year 2040?
Posted By American Med Spa Association, Monday, October 10, 2016
It’s been one year since RoC Skincare rolled out its 2015 state-by-state wrinkle rating that pinned New York as the most wrinkle-prone state and Alaska as the most youthful. This year the company takes a peek into the future to predict which U.S. cities will be the most wrinkle-prone by the year 2040. Coming in at number 1 on the 2016 RoC Wrinkle Rankingis Philadelphia; at the opposite end of the spectrum is San Jose, Calif. Lifestyle, they report, is a key factor and their take-home message this year is one we all know well: Preventing today could stave off premature aging tomorrow.
While no one can exactly predict what the future will look like, it’s lifestyle — stress, pollution, commute times, smoking — that the ranking found most greatly affects skin aging. To determine the most (and least) predicted wrinkle-prone cities, Roc Skincare and Sperling’s Best Places performed a meta-analysis of existing research to determine “per capita” figures to conduct accurate comparisons between cities. From this, they were able to create a “Wrinkle Index” score to rank U.S. metro areas.
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While no one can exactly predict what the future will look like, it’s lifestyle — stress, pollution, commute times, smoking — that the ranking found most greatly affects skin aging. To determine the most (and least) predicted wrinkle-prone cities, Roc Skincare and Sperling’s Best Places performed a meta-analysis of existing research to determine “per capita” figures to conduct accurate comparisons between cities. From this, they were able to create a “Wrinkle Index” score to rank U.S. metro areas.
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