Florida Legislation Passed New Bill Addressing Deregulation
Posted By American Med Spa Association, Thursday, April 20, 2017

According to Samantha...
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The House deregulation bill was heard in committee today. As expected, it passed. But, there were a few new developments that raise concern. The bill originally contained provisions deregulating several professions. Some of those professions were successful in getting themselves amended out. It seems the Institute for Justice has been effective in making their case regarding deregulation of the beauty industry. (For those who are not familiar, the Institute for Justice is an organization out of Washington that favors total deregulation, and the beauty industry is one of its favorite targets. It seems the House sponsor has been a receptive audience.) With fewer professions in the bill, it becomes easier to pass because there are fewer people fighting it.
Our agreed upon language is still present in the Senate bill, but we need to turn up the volume a little bit. We will send out a notice to the membership, but I also need you as our leadership to encourage your friends, your contacts, your students, and your staff to get engaged.
First, we want to reach out to Senator Kathleen Passidomo and thank her for her help. She has worked with us at every stage and reached a reasonable compromise. She put the amendment we agreed to on her bill, and she is standing behind that language. Her email is passidomo.kathleen@flsenate.gov. Her office number is (850) 487-5028. Senator Passidomo has been our champion. Please call her and thank her. When the negotiations start and the pressure is on, we want her to know just how much we appreciate what she’s doing. The Senate bill number is 802.
Second, we have not been successful in helping the House sponsor, Representative Halsey Beshears, understand our concerns. Representative Beshears is a business owner, and his aim is to reduce barriers to employment and job creation. We need to reach out to him and help him understand the impact of this bill on Florida’s beauty industry. Halsey’s email is Halsey.Beshears@myfloridahouse.gov. His office number is (850) 717-5007. Please call and email him. Share with him how the drastic cuts to education hours he is proposing will impact you and your business. Ask for his help, and ask him to take the language that’s in the Senate bill. The House bill number is 7047.
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