Louisiana Medical Spa Bill Withdrawn from Senate
Posted By American Med Spa Association, Thursday, March 12, 2020
A Louisiana bill that would have created significant practice requirements for physicians who oversee medical spas has been withdrawn from the Senate. We covered Senate Bill 199 (SB 199) when it was introduced—Louisiana AmSpa Plus Members can read about it here. It had been pre-filed and provisionally referred to the Committee on Commerce, Consumer Protection and International Affairs for further consideration. However, when this year’s legislative session convened on March 9, SB 199 was withdrawn. You can review the information page for the bill here.
While SB 199 is no longer active, it is indicative of a broader trend we have seen. Many states are now seeking to pass rules for medical spas to address patient safety and unlicensed practice concerns. AmSpa Plus Members receive legislative alerts and analysis on bills affecting medical spas in their state—click here to learn more.
While SB 199 is no longer active, it is indicative of a broader trend we have seen. Many states are now seeking to pass rules for medical spas to address patient safety and unlicensed practice concerns. AmSpa Plus Members receive legislative alerts and analysis on bills affecting medical spas in their state—click here to learn more.