Surgery in a Syringe: A Minimally Invasive Alternative to Surgical Liposuction
Posted By American Med Spa Association, Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Among the available nonsurgical cosmetic procedures, body contouring treatments, and the use of injectables for aesthetic improvement, continue to gain popularity. As a modality for reducing unwanted adipose tissue, injection adipocytolysis, is an approach to body contouring that accommodates the growing patient inclination toward minimally invasive treatments.
ATX-101 injection (deoxycholic acid injection 10 mg/mL), from Allergan, Inc., known as Kybella in the U.S, and Belkyra in Canada, is the first FDA-approved pharmaceutical therapy for injection adipocytolysis.
ATX-101 injection (deoxycholic acid injection 10 mg/mL), from Allergan, Inc., known as Kybella in the U.S, and Belkyra in Canada, is the first FDA-approved pharmaceutical therapy for injection adipocytolysis.