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September 21, 2015
Letter From the Director: Welcome to the First Edition of AmSpa Weekly ... for Members Only!
I wanted to take a quick moment to reach out to all of our...

September 21, 2015
New Study Shows Cryolipolysis Reduces Enlarged Male Breasts
Fat-freezing provides a safe and effective non-surgical alternative for men seeking breast reduction procedures, according...

September 21, 2015
Telemedicine for Medicare Act of 2015 Could Reduce Barriers to Healthcare Access
Traditionally, the law has required that physicians, including Medicare providers, be licensed in the state...

September 18, 2015
UnitedHealth Housekeeping Spurs Settlements for Providers
This summer brought about insurer merger acquisitions of Cigna by Anthem and Humana by Aetna...

September 18, 2015
Patients Struggle for Prescription Drug Access, Despite Affordable Care Act
The Affordable Care Act (ACA), a federal statute passed in 2010, was a progressive attempt...
September 17, 2015
Is Cosmetic Surgery Safe for Seniors? New Data
As the so-called Baby Boomer generation has reached retirement age without relinquishing its desire to...
September 17, 2015
Social Media, Medical Aesthetics and the Law
By Alex R. Thiersch, AmSpa founder In recent years, social media has become widely used as...