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September 23, 2015
Wrinkle Analysis: Quantifying Botox Outcomes
Using botulinum toxin type A injections for cosmetic purposes has become commonplace over the past...
September 23, 2015
Providers Get Rare Win in New Texas Law Protecting Out-of-Network Referrals
On June 1, 2015, Texas Governor Greg Abbott signed House Bill 574 into law protecting...
September 22, 2015
How Much Liposuction Is 'Safe'? The Answer Varies by Body Weight
What's the "safe" amount of fat to remove in patients undergoing liposuction? Rather than a...

September 22, 2015
3 Ways Personalized Medicine is Moving Forward
Personalized medicine—targeting treatments based on patients’ genetic profiles, environments and lifestyles—offers promising ways for physicians...
September 21, 2015
Letter From the Director: Welcome to the First Edition of AmSpa Weekly ... for Members Only!
I wanted to take a quick moment to reach out to all of our...

September 21, 2015
New Study Shows Cryolipolysis Reduces Enlarged Male Breasts
Fat-freezing provides a safe and effective non-surgical alternative for men seeking breast reduction procedures, according...

September 21, 2015
Telemedicine for Medicare Act of 2015 Could Reduce Barriers to Healthcare Access
Traditionally, the law has required that physicians, including Medicare providers, be licensed in the state...